Friday, November 18, 2005

What is Dick Cheney Smoking?

So, ex-CIA Director Stansfield Turner has labeled US Vice President Dick Cheney as the "vice president for torture":

He didn't make up this nick-name by himself - Cheney has solicited the US Senate to allow the use of torture in certain instances:
Link not working? Search Google News for this story - click here

I don't care what your political leaning is... the Geneva Convention forbids it. These are the accepted rules for warfare, and our country has used this convention to prosecute Nazi's and other war criminals over the last 55 years.

Legalizing the use of torture puts US military personnel & civilians in direct jeopardy - we cannot criticize or prosecute our enemies for doing the same things we allow, nor expect reciprocal civility from them. It lowers our country's standards to the same level of immoral behavior as regimes we have fought against, where we've cited their brutality as a reason for sanctions or removal.

If this passes, then vice-president Cheney and every representative who votes for it may as well charter a bus to Mount Vernon to celebrate, and take turns shitting on George Washington's grave.

The most disturbing part? An ex-CIA director from the Cold War thinks legalizing torture is going too far.


Blogger kenkramar said...

Nefarious Bastard.

7:39 PM  

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