Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh My Freakin' Gosh!

Maybe you saw our sticker on the side of a SEPTA bus, and went and bought your copy for $3 from Zipperhead, or Chaos Records, or The Record Exchange on South Street...

Or maybe you bought it from us at a show for $2... or maybe you worked at a radio station or a fanzine or club where we sent you a copy and it ended up in your collection... Maybe you "borrowed" a copy from your friend or brother or sister... Maybe we just liked you and gave you one.

Somehow, there were hundreds and hundreds of this little demo cassette floating around in 1987.

Well, we still like you.

You asked for it, and you got it: Here, for the first time in 20 years is Trained Attack Dogs' original demo tape, Nazis Ate Grannys Gladiolas, for your free downloading pleasure. And this time, it's even cheaper than the first time you bought it.

Alpha Plan Z
White Castle
Religious Experience / TV Poison
Psychotic Surfers of La Mirada
Rock n' Roll Baby
Town With No Name

Of course, in true punk-rock fashion, the original master tape is missing... so I tracked down the best cassette I could find, and that's what's presented here. IF I ever find the original mixdown I'll repost better versions - but for now, enjoy!

Note: Todd Yoder was the performing drummer for Trained Attack Dogs at the time of this release, however the actual drummer for this recording is Bob Nichol.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Who is visiting me?

我的网站收到许多来访的中国人民。我不知道这种情况的原因。如果你是一个中国人,请你解释一下吗?你是否会觉得我的网站有意思吗?我将使用" Google "的翻译,你的回答。谢谢。

我的網站收到許多來訪的中國人民。我不知道這種情況的原因。如果你是一個中國人,請你解釋一下嗎?你是否會覺得我的網站有意思嗎?我將使用" Google "的翻譯,你的回答。謝謝。

내 웹사이트를받습니다 중국 인민으로부터 많은 사람들이 방문합니다. 이유는 잘 모르겠지만 이것합니다. 중국의 경우에는 사람, 설명해 주시겠습니까? 너 내 사이트를 찾는 재미? 나는 사용됩니다 "구글"을 번역에 대답을합니다. 감사합니다.

自分のウェブサイトからの訪問数多くの中国の人々を受け取る。私は、この理由を知っているのだ。中国の人の場合は、説明していただけますか?ご自分のサイトを見つける面白いですか?私が使って" google "との回答を翻訳しています。ありがとうございます。

Monday, February 04, 2008

24 Years Behind Schedule...

... the police state is finally getting off the ground.

Your birthmark is not your birthmark, it's a government identifier for tracking your activity.

Nobody should find any of this creepy or intrusive, right?

If you're not guilty of anything, you shouldn't be concerned right?

And your data will never ever be confused with somebody else's, right?

Here's your assignment: Watch Brazil - have a little chuckle, then mull it over for a few days.